We enjoyed Mexico's hospitality, and now we're back in the states spreading the joy of living south of the border!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Books and more books!

In one of my first posts, April 2008, I was wondering what I would do in Mexico without reading material!
Now, almost 2 years later, I'm happy to report that hasn't been a problem! An addict can always find her drug, no matter the cost.

1. I packed some books to bring down with me. Since the moving truck took 12 weeks to arrive, I had a slow summer 2008, but I made it through.
2. The library at the school where I work has some books. Most of their adult selection was pretty lousy, though, so I have been actively soliciting donations and also donating quite a few. In the last 18 months, I've brought back hundreds of books for the library - often reading quite a few before taking them in!
3. I found out that the DF airport has a decent selection of printed magazines, newspapers, and books in English. Not much, but enough to get me through a tough time. Thankfully, they don't have more, as their prices are quite high.
4. I've been listening to audiobooks during my loooong commute, which often enables me to hear 2 books per month during the school year - more than twice what I was reading during my last teaching job!
5. I will visit the library during my trips back to MI, and if we or a friend of ours is traveling soon after, I'll often bring library books down with me and then send them back with a willing helper (thank you to those readers who have helped!)
6. I just got an e-reader!!! Dave wanted to get me one of these last year, but I was concerned about paying $10+ for each book, when I'm u sed to getting 90% of my reading material free at the library. My new Sony e-reader is compatible with library ebooks, so I can still check books out of my library without flying home! Technology is amazing.

Finally, I am happy to report that after 2 years of hard work, I'm almost ready to start reading in Spanish. I can basically get through a newspaper, and I understand the headlines of most magazines. I'm going to start with kids' books this summer, as their plot is easier to understand and they use simpler vocabulary.

I am happy to have total and complete access to English reading material when I get back, but I'm proud of my ability to persevere.

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