We enjoyed Mexico's hospitality, and now we're back in the states spreading the joy of living south of the border!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Pet Peeve

There is no good spanish word or phrase for "pet peeve" so I had a hard time explaining it to my tutor and my students.
I love Mexico. The people are very friendly, the food is cheap and delicious, the culture is wonderfully complex and interesting, and the weather is beautiful.
most days, I even like my job. ;)
Even with all the wonderful things about Mexico, I have one huge pet peeve: the traffic. The only way to avoid the traffic, literally, is to stay in my house. There is traffic everywhere. I regularly spend 2 - 3 hours per day in my car. Some of it is on fast-moving expressways, but a lot of the time I'm literally fighting my way through the streets. The sidewalks are pathetic, so people and dogs and bicycles are in the street. There are no left turn lanes or left turn lights, so entire intersections can be stopped by one small taxi. There are no official bus stops, so the buses will stop anywhere they want - even in the middle lanes.

Mexico City is about 3 to 4 times the size of New York City. Thankfully, most people here don't have cars, bc we can't fit any more here.
Once we move home, I don't think I'll complain about the traffic for a very long time.
In the states, when there is a major accident - which there rarely is - we can expect 3 things:
1. a clearly marked detour
2. police quickly moving cars out of the way
3. announcements on the radio explaining the accident.
In Mexico, motorcyclists without helmets, children riding in the back of pickup trucks, and families running across freeways to catch a bus are very common, and often mean deadly accidents. The police do not care about all of the cars not involved in the accident, there is rarely an alternate road to take (I was stuck on a mountain, for example, where there was literally only 1 road up and out of town), and if there was an announcement on the radio, I couldn't understand it.
*sigh* I won't miss the driving. Or the traffic.

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