We enjoyed Mexico's hospitality, and now we're back in the states spreading the joy of living south of the border!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Beating us at our own game

When we moved down a year ago, I was hoping that a few weeks without satelite TV, internet, or our moving truck would mean that I'd finally take time to work out every day and get into great shape.
Then, I tried walking up the stairs.
Turned out that the air was so thin here that basic activities, like showering or walking up stairs, left me out of breath. It took me most of the summer to be able to do routine physical activity without panting.
Some of our guests also have a hard time with the high altitude and thin air, so we normally try the most physically demanding tourist activities sans guests.
Not this week!
Coincidentally, Dave had the week off of work when his sister came to visit. She's only a few years younger than us, but in incredible shape. She was the perfect guest to take to the Nevado - Toluca's volcano - and we climbed not only to the top of the crater, but also into the crater, had a picnic, and then climbed back out.
"it sucked, but it was awesome"
We also climbed the pyramids, went to a soccer game, and shopped at Taxco. Overall, a fantastic staycation for us.

We want others to come and visit when you can. we promise not to work you too hard. :)

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