We enjoyed Mexico's hospitality, and now we're back in the states spreading the joy of living south of the border!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Eating... and not

We love food. Ok, everyone loves food. But Dave & I really love food. I overheard a friend of ours telling someone "you'll never be hungry at their house!" Even though we love food, we love going out to eat, and we have pretty good jobs, we still rarely eat at 4-star restaurants. They're a rare expensive treat for us. But in Mexico, we are a little luckier. This weekend, for example, we went to arguably the best restaurant in Guadalajara and had apetizers, entrees, desert, and wine for about what 2 people normally spend at Red Lobster. :)

I wish that we could eat a lot of really good food (like Thanksgiving dinner at Grandma's house, or lasagna on my birthday, or strawberries in June) and then not have to eat again for a while. bc it was really annoying to have an amazing meal and then have to eat again a few hours later, especially knowing that this meal would be more practical and less extravagant.

After a long weekend of great fun and great eating, we were stuck on Sunday noonish. We had slept past breakfast, would return home after dinner, and were near nothing resembling food for lunch. The restaurant we settled on passed our nomal test (at least 4 locals inside) and also had a few gringos.
Let's just say that after the worst food poisoning I think we've ever had, we both were wondering if we should have just gone hungry.

Mexico has great food. And also a few bacterias. *sigh*


Lesia said...

so sad -- hope you're both feeling better!

steve said...

Hope you'e feeling better. I loved the food when we were with you last spring.

Dad A