We enjoyed Mexico's hospitality, and now we're back in the states spreading the joy of living south of the border!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Back to the Daily Grind

After three fabulous (but mainly cold) 3 weeks of vacation, it was surprisingly easy to merge back into our routine and boring life here in Mexico.
Unpacking bags meant lots of new surprises - yay for Christmas presents and clearance sales! - but also meant the last few shards of excitement were packed up and stored for another vacation yet to come.
We had planned on a big Saturday event our first weekend back, to soften the blow, but that fell through and we instead spent too many hours watching TV. Then, we spent a few hours reading in the sunshine of our garden.
It took about 15 minutes for snow and ice to fade into distant memories.
And, after 3 weeks of considering how great it would be to NOT teach next year, it took only 48 hours of nothing to do before I realized just how much I really do love working.
And after only 1 day teaching, I realized just how little time that actually takes out of my day. :)
Then I remembered how little I get paid for that... and was thankful the sunshine is free.

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