We enjoyed Mexico's hospitality, and now we're back in the states spreading the joy of living south of the border!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Aaahhh. Time for vacation. Yes, I need a break. My life has been so stressful these past two weeks here in Mexico, watching Satellite TV and breaking only to travel to Starbucks for internet access...

And the question I'm most dreading, "so what have YOU been up to, Kelly?" Because the people who ask are only being nice, trying to start a conversation. And because I want to tell those people the truth, but the truth is still so depressing I'm not ready to admit it to myself. The truth is that I haven't adjusted yet. My daily routine is boring, and my personal triumphs seem insignificant: found US news on the TV, drove to Wal-Mart & back w/out getting lost, bought a sofa in Spanish, started language lessons, signed a Spanish cell phone contract, began mastering facebook, located organic cleaners, hired a cleaning lady, tried sushi, carried on a conversation with David in public mainly in Spanish so we don't look like tourists, etc.

The truth is that while we may have "moved" we're living out of suitcases in a huge dirty house. It took days to navigate the roads and the stores to buy all of the food, cleaners, appliances, clothes, toiletries, linens, and other things that didn't fit in our suitcase or that we can no longer live without. After that, without the items on our moving truck or friends in this town or the right clothes for the weather or the guts to explore alone, I felt stuck in an empty house with nothing to do. So I spent a week watching too much TV and feeling sorry for myself.
But who wants to hear that?

So instead, I exagerate. "I've been settling in, getting to know the area, running some errands, and practicing my Spanish." It's not a lie, but I am still looking forward to the time where I can unpack ALL of our stuff, and hang up curtains that match, and strike up a conversation with a stranger, and make a Mexican dinner, and listen to NPR streaming radio at home, and get into a routine that works.

It will happen soon.

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