We enjoyed Mexico's hospitality, and now we're back in the states spreading the joy of living south of the border!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

On Mexico Time

Our moving truck is still not here. In fact, we have no idea when it will come. Our items were packed up 8+ weeks ago. David has been given excuses by the US moving company, the MX moving company, the MX immigration officials, Nissan, and our relocation company. Everyone claims it's someone else's fault, and by avoiding responsibility, they can all avoid actually doing anything. In the meantime, we are living out of suitcases. Thankfully, we're living out of 12 suitcases, bc Dave & I have traveled back and forth so many times. By the time our truck gets here, I'm starting to wonder if we should have just FedEx'd everything!

Our truck must be on Mexico Time.
Mexico Time means that 10:30 church starts at 10:40.
Mexico Time means that the food for our 7pm party arrives at 8:15.
Mexico Time means that our housekeeper comes a day late with no explanation.
Mexico Time means that the cultural assimilation excursion around town never happened.
Mexico Time means that I still haven't started Spanish Language classes.
Even our stove is on Mexican Time! It took over 45 minutes to boil water last Sunday...

So I'm starting to wonder... why? Why do I need my things to feel at home? Why do I need anything besides a bed and a toothbrush (and a laptop & a cell phone & satellite TV & an ATM card...)? Why do I choose to complain when my wonderful husband has done everything possible to make our new home as comfortable as possible?

Maybe my attitude adjustment is on Mexico Time, too.


Lesia said...

Kelly - I just love to read your blogg. I think Mexico time would drive me crazy --
I know that its a short trip.
Mom H

Kelly said...

Thanks! It is driving me crazy, too. But a better day today...