We enjoyed Mexico's hospitality, and now we're back in the states spreading the joy of living south of the border!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

What not to wear ... En espanol

What NOT to wear:
Shorts, tank tops, tee shirts, pajama pants, flip-flops, midriff tops, baseball caps, tennis shoes

What to wear if you’re an American desperately trying to fit in:
Whatever you’d normally wear to church on Sunday. Or something made by a designer.

Americans are notorious for our atrocious fashions. More to the point, we’re so filthy rich that we don’t mind looking like complete slobs in public most of the time! Even devoted fans of Clinton & Stacy’s TV show (or Trinny & Susannah’s British version) aren't likely to clean up for a quick trip to the mall.
But we had heard that Mexico is a different story all together. So today we spent a lot of time people watching. What do they wear in Mexico? Basically what we would wear to church! Designer labels are actually more popular there than here, but most guys were in jeans and polos, while ladies were in jeans, capris, or casual pants with cute tops. In fact, their word for polo shirt is “playera” which roughly translates to “beachwear”.

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