We enjoyed Mexico's hospitality, and now we're back in the states spreading the joy of living south of the border!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

To Sell or not to Sell... that's only one of the questions!

We have never really considered selling our house in MI. The logistical answer is that by all accounts, our house has lost a lot of value since our purchase, despite our seemingly endless renovations. Even if we managed to sell it, we’d probably lose a lot of money.
But after a lot of soul-searching today, I finally stumbled upon the real reason. We can’t emotionally deal with selling the house. Selling is so final. Selling means moving not just relocating. Selling our house and living in another one means that our home would be there and not here. It would mean that if we come back, we’d never again be able to enjoy all the hard work we put into “our” house. Holding onto the house is a symbol that we’re still Americans – residents, homeowners, caring citizens. Owning the house means we can get mail and vote and complain about the government and care about the school system.
Without it, we’re just nomads. Crazy wanderers who never put down roots and instead continually search for adventure. Which, come to think of it, isn’t all that bad…

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