We enjoyed Mexico's hospitality, and now we're back in the states spreading the joy of living south of the border!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

What economy?

Someone who shall remain nameless had the audacity to ask us how the current international economic situation was affecting mexico.

David had to physically restrain me from shouting obscenities through the computer microphone. I'm glad he did.

Once I calmed down, I thought that maybe I should have a little more patience. The average north american doesn't have any clue what's happening in Mexico. Maybe my role is to help people understand, which they are not likely to do after I bite their heads off. So here goes...

In a good year, mexico has 22% unemployment. That roughly rivals the US great depression. The avg. Mexican laborer makes between $6-$10 per day; a family income between $400-$900/month is considered comfortable. In comparison, poverty for a single individual in the US is $43/day and for a family of 4 is $88 per day. While about 15% of Americans are living in poverty right now, about 50% of Mexicans live in poverty.

Many north americans have somehow been convinced that it is cheaper to live in Mexico, or that they don't notice they all live in poverty. That's not true. it's "cheaper" to live in downtown flint than in Ann Arbor, bc downtown flint is a lousy place to live. Poor kids in flint and in Mexico are very aware that other kids have enough food to eat and heat that works and new clothes once in a while. Food, utilities, safe cars, and urban housing prices are about the same here in Mexico as they are in the US. Gas is $2.50/gallon, clothing and electronics cost 50%-75% more here than in the states.

Meanwhile, Mexico has the same numnber of federal government officials as the US (despite 1/3 the population). Their president makes about $1million/ year; each representative makes $360,000 annually. Do the math to figure out the major discrepency between the rich and the poor here, and you'll see why so many Mexicans refuse to pay taxes, why so many police take bribes, and why nobody noticed that the world up north is collapsing.

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