We enjoyed Mexico's hospitality, and now we're back in the states spreading the joy of living south of the border!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A little venting...

I am a heavy commuter here in Mexico, and I've accepted that. Most Chilangos (DF residents) spend up to 4 hours per day commuting. They're walking in polluted air, sitting in stop-and-go traffic in crowded, dirty buses, etc.

So, normally, my 100 mile, 2-3 hour daily round trip commute is not something I complain about. I'm blessed to be able to work, I'm blessed to have a great job, I'm blessed to live in Metepec rather than DF, and I'm blessed that my hours are full of climate controlled air, IPOD selections, and phone calls.

today, though - it took me THREE HOURS!!! to get to work. I spent 90 min. going <4km.>huge pilgrimage of people from Toluca to some place called Telango, which I can only assume is in Mexico City. Literally, hundreds of buses, vans, and trucks were bedecked with strands of garlands and pictures of the blessed virgin were trying to get onto the road that I normally take. I discovered this too late to do anything about it. Because there is only one road out of toluca, and we all wanted to be on that road. There is no where to turn around, no alternate route off the mountain.

Once I discovered that I was going to be late, I then discovered that I had no minutes left on my phone. No way to tell the school. And the school had no one to put into my classroom, anyway, as we have no director, the secretary was out sick, and we already had one planned teacher absense today.

I tried, in desperation, to listen to a Christian motivational audiobook to calm me down. Nope - still stressed to the max. I tried to listen to classical music. No go.
Finally, I started blaring Linkin Park at full volume, apologizing to Jesus as I screamed obscene words from the sanctuary of my car.

Ah, the wonders of commuting.

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