We enjoyed Mexico's hospitality, and now we're back in the states spreading the joy of living south of the border!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I haven't been to Heaven, but I've been to Oklahoma...

Dave & I were both raised in small towns. We had great childhoods, but somehow we both chose to live in a suburban/ small urban area of Michigan, and then to live and work in one of the most crowded urban areas in the world! (that's right - Mexico City rivals only Tokyo is size and crowds)

While we're back in the states, we're taking a lot of time to visit with our families. But we're having a bit of cultural shock.

Some of it's good things - roads that are easy to drive, signs that are easy to read, well-stocked grocery stores, fresh air, etc.

But some of the most shocking news was that we have changed in the 10 years since high school graduation.

For example, Dave has aparently developed a phobia of country music. He nearly covered his ears and ran screaming to the car before I could stop him.
Kelly has developed a phobia of germs, pesticides, and genetically modified ingredients. I was shocked to discover that rural gas stations do not carry hand sanitizer.

But it wasn't until the band started singing, "they say I was born here, but I don't remember" that we started to realize we weren't blending in. The small Japanese car in the parking lot. The "imported" drinks at our table. My target cardigan and comfortable shoes. Dave's short, trimmed hair. Hmmm.

We're going to be the crazy people. The ones who demand that the local school curriculum includes diverse literature. The ones who buy organic mac'n'cheese. The ones who carry a "green" bible to church. The ones who rinse out the trash, bc it might be recycled. The ones who speak to their server in Spanish - at a greek restaurant.

sheesh. I'm embarrassing myself.


Beth- the mama bee said...

ok, we aren't as bad, but we prefer the city life now too! and... I suddenly can't stand country music either!

Lesia said...

NO--- what did I do wrong???? Two out of three don't like country- sad. I did think talking to the server in Spanish was sort of cute!