We enjoyed Mexico's hospitality, and now we're back in the states spreading the joy of living south of the border!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's the little things

I had a hot shower today. Thank you Jesus!!!
(I almost feel like speaking in tongues... although it wouldn't be a big change...)

A hot shower may not be a big deal, but I haven't had one since Monday morning. Tuesday I was running late bc our alarms didn't go off. Wednesday I stepped into the shower half asleep and - AAAHHHHHEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! Like ice cubes from the sky.

We were out of propane gas. Completely empty. No hot water, no cooking. (We don't have central heat, like in the states.) Curses! Hot showers was reason #1 why I chose never to be a missionary. I decided that if God made me such a pansy, He must not be calling me to the mission field. So, on my third day of long meetings with missionaries in a foreign countries, I was seriously wondering why God had called me here. *sigh*

Very happy ending, though. Our good friend Gilberto (who needs some sort of "most helpful to crazy Americans award") pulled some strings and got us a gas appointment this morning at 9am. Ahhh. Just in time. No meetings today, so Dave & I slept in, took a hot shower, and started out day a little late.

Now if that pesky washing machine could just get fixed...

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