We enjoyed Mexico's hospitality, and now we're back in the states spreading the joy of living south of the border!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Jesus on a Bicycle

I can't ride a bike. Which is really embarrassing for two reasons:
1. Papa taught me how to ride. We had a really great dad&daughter moment when I was in kindergarten & I learned how to ride a super cool green bike with streamers, which I continued to ride until I was about 8.
2. Everyone can ride a bike.
Even though I hadn't rode in years, I kind of assumed I could always just pick up a bike and start riding again. That's where the phrase "just like riding a bicycle" comes from right? So imagine my surprise, at 21, when a friend & I rent bikes in Rome to visit the Vatican. We had barely started when I ran into a cafe table, crashing the glasses & dumping a carafe of wine! In a matter of minutes I had ran into a nun, set off a BMW car alarm, run into a brick wall, and nearly fell into a sewer ditch before we realized that we needed to take the bikes back. :) How embarrassing!
Now that we live in Ann Arbor, lots of people ride bikes. In fact, I don't think I can have kids until & unless I'm prepared to ride around with them to pick up ice cream or Starbucks or something. So now I want to re-learn. Just in case I ever need to get somewhere, and all that's available is a bicycle!
In some ways, our Christian faith can be like riding a bike. We do it as a kid & then put it on a shelf somewhere, fully intending to pick it up whenever we're desperate or when we have kids ourselves. It never really occurs to us that faith is something we do, something we practice, something we need to keep doing in order to keep knowing how to do it!
Then I found this story on http://www.activatedministries.org/activated/47.554:

When I met Jesus, life became rather like a bike ride. It was a tandem bike; I rode in the front and steered, and Jesus was in the rear seat, helping to pedal.
I don't remember just when it happened, but Jesus suggested we change places. Life hasn't been the same since. Jesus makes the ride so exciting!
When I had control, I knew the way. It was safe and predictable, but rather boring--always the shortest distance between two points. But when Jesus got in the driver's seat, He knew delightful "long cuts" up mountain roads and down again at breakneck speeds. It was all I could do to hold on!
I didn't want to question His judgment, but once I couldn't help myself. "Don't You think we should slow down just a little? I'm scared." He turned and smiled and touched my hand and said, "It's okay. Pedal."
Sometimes I got worried and anxious and asked, "Where are You taking me?"
I am learning to not worry or want to get back in control, but just to relax and enjoy the view.
"It's a surprise," He would say with a laugh. Gradually I learned to trust. I forgot my boring life and entered the adventure.
He took me to meet people with gifts that I needed--gifts of love, healing, acceptance, joy. They gave me their gifts to take on my journey--our journey, my Lord's and mine--and we were off again. He said, "Give the gifts away." So I did, to other people we met. But the strangest thing happened. I found that the more of those things I gave away, the more I had for myself and to give to other people we met along the way. And still our load was light.
At first I didn't trust Jesus to be in control of my life. I thought He would wreck it. But He knows the bike's capabilities and limits, and all sorts of tricks. He knows how to take sharp corners at high speeds, make the bike "jump" to clear rocks in our way, and He can even make it fly when the road disappears beneath us.
I am learning to not worry or want to get back in control, but just to relax and enjoy the view, the cool breeze on my face, and the delightful company of my constant companion, Jesus.
I still get tired sometimes because it is a long, hard ride, but Jesus just smiles and says, "Pedal."

I want to be in the front of the bike, listening to Jesus' whispered directions from the back. But a Christian life isn't like that. My life is more like a wild ride on the back of the bike. I am so thankful for the journey so far.
As I travel to Mexico for the next part of the bike ride, I will miss those whom I am riding with now. But I am looking forward to new people I will meet.


Lesia said...

Kelly - I just read your Blog. It was great. I laughed and cried! I will be checking back often. I do think you might want to dust off your bike skills - could come in handy if you're not going to have a car!

Beth- the mama bee said...

I am going to enjoy your blog too! What a nice way to keep everyone updated and entertained!